Once upon a time…
Ah well, it wasn’t that long ago, and it certainly wasn’t in a galaxy far far away.
The first time I remember reading a book, I was sitting on my grandparents’ living room couch on vacation, snuggled in tight to my mom’s side. We were reading Number the Stars by Lois Lowry.
Ever since, whenever I’m reading, I am vicariously living the life of the main character. It doesn’t matter if they are 1600s damsels; dark, handsome, bat boys training for a fight of a lifetime; or the chosen one living through a prophecy of “ye olden times”.
The main character, no matter what struggles they may face, helps those around them and will win the day. A sentiment not always realistic in today’s world.
That’s why I started Liperary Lipwear. I want to be the main character. I want you to be the main character of your own story. These lipglosses, while inspired by the characters of our favorite books, shows, and movies, will offer confidence, happiness, moisturizing magic, and the magic of comfort in your own skin and story.
Because we all deserve to be the main character.
We all deserve our own happy ending.
I’m thrilled to have your support, your love, and your willingness to support the small business of a fellow bookworm.
Go get your happy ending ♥︎